SVA is a specialist risk mitigation, corporate intelligence, security and consulting company.

The company serves financial institutions, private equity funds, corporations, high net-worth individuals and insurance companies and underwriters around the world.

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TEDxHKUST – Mitigating Risk in Emerging Markets

Fox Crime – Focus on “SVA” and Organised Crime

Crime & Investigation – Teddy Wang Kidnapping

Latest Updates

SVA Update – Strategic Risk in Asia in 2024 - A Spring Update


SVA Update – Hong Kong is not “over” – it is just different


SVA to present at ASIS on Strategic Risks in Asia in the Year of the Dragon ̶ What Businesses in Asia need to know?


SVA to present at the American Chamber of Commerce on Strategic Risks in Asia in the Year of the Dragon ̶ What Businesses in Asia need to know?


SVA Update – “A question of trusts”


Strategic Risks in Asia in 2024 - What Business Needs to Know


SVA - "Weathering the storm" - A practical guide to mitigating business risk in Hong Kong and Mainland China


SVA to present at Rotary Club of Kowloon Golden Mile on De-Risking – Or learning how to let go of the tiger’s tail and not get bitten

Rotary Club of Kowloon Golden Mile

SVA - "De-risking" - Letting go of the tiger's tail


SVA – “A question of trusts” Instability in China’s trust sector – what happens next?


SVA - “Decoupling” or “Derisking” The Unseen Factors


SVA – Political and Business Risk Series – Policy unpredictability in China / Police raids and how to mitigate risk



RTHK Radio 3 Backchat Interview - SVA Interviewed on Donald Trump Assassination Attempt

RTHK Radio 3

SVA interviewed by RTHK English News on Hong Kong Police Force’s replacement of US-made revolvers with Mainland Chinese-made pistols

RTHK English News

SVA interviewed by SCMP on how to prevent another Hong Kong child from being kidnapped

South China Morning Post
Ambrose Li

SVA interviewed by SCMP on Southeast Asia’s Casino Scam Hubs

South China Morning Post
Toh Han Shih

RTHK Radio 3 Backchat Interview - SVA Interviewed on Deployment of CCTV Systems in Hong Kong

RTHK Radio 3

SVA comments on Risks in Asia in 2024 ─ SCMP

South China Morning Post
Anthony Rowley

SVA - Illegal Immigration into Hong Kong - Originating from South Asia

RTHK Radio 3

SVA Interviewed by FinanceAsia - Evergrande chairman detainment: a sign of heightened state control?

Han Shih Toh

SVA Interviewed on PRC De-Risking

South China Morning Post
Anthony Rowley

SVA discuss his views on EU-China Relations and its Impact on Business


SVA discusses the crisis in China’s trust sector - What happens Next?

RTHK Radio 3

SVA interviewed by Nikkei on arbitration in Hong Kong

Nikkei Asia

What to do to avoid a knife attack? Steve Vickers comments on protection following a double murder in Hong Kong

South China Morning Post

SVA interviewed by SCMP regarding a double murder in Hong Kong

South China Morning Post

SVA discussing what SMEs should be doing to mitigate the risks that heightened geopolitical tensions

RTHK Radio 3
Money Talk

SVA Interviewed on Hong Kong Residents Detained in Cambodia and Myanmar

RTHK Radio 3
Backchat – Steve Vickers

SVA Commented on Taiwan Straits Crisis – What Companies Should Do to Mitigate Regional Business Risk

Energy Voice Online

SVA Commented on Recent Triads and Organised Crime Activity in Hong Kong

RTHK Radio 3
Backchat – Steve Vickers

SVA Comment on Hong Kong Terrorism Tip Line

Nikkei Asia
Pak Yiu

SVA Interviewed as to New Hong Kong Chief Executive and Implications for the Financial Centre

Radio Television Hong Kong
Hong Kong Today / News

SVA CEO is Interviewed as to HK Police Recruitment Issues

Radio Television Hong Kong
Hong Kong Today / News

Cyber Crime - Macau Hotels - SVA Comment

Macau Daily Times
Renato Marques

Russia Sanctions – Vladivostok Casinos – Steve Vickers , CEO SVA

Macau Daily Times
Lynzy Valles

Russia Sanctions – Vladivostok Casinos – Steve Vickers

Macau Daily Times
Lynzy Valles

SVA Interview on Russian Sanctions – What Businesses Should Do

Radio Television Hong Kong

SVA – Russian Invasion a Threat to China Markets

The Standard

SVA Warns Asian Companies to be Aware of Russian Exposure and Risk

Hong Kong Economic Journal

SVA - Investigation into Child Abuse

HK01 - Online Media

Oriental Daily News - SVA Comments on Macau Gaming

Oriental Daily

SVA - Macau Gaming Law - National Security Interests

Asia Gaming Brief
Sharon Singleton

Gaming: SVA Warns New Law Could Deter Investment

Macau Daily Times
Lynzy Valles

SVA – Macau – Oriental Daily News

Oriental Daily

SVA Interview With Hong Kong Economic Journal - Expat Executives Stranded by Hong Kong's COVID Flights Ban From 8 Countries

Hong Kong Economic Journal

SVA Interview on Macau – Bloomberg – China’s Crackdown Leaves the World’s Biggest Gaming Hub on the Brink


SVA Support Independent Committee on Child Abuse Investigation

Hong Kong Society for the Protection of Children

SVA Support Independent Committee on Child Abuse Investigation

South China Morning Post
Christy Leung

SVA風險評估報告: 澳門博彩業

Oriental Daily

SVA – Macau's Gambling License Expiry – Shadow on US-funded Gaming Companies


SVA – The Year of ‘Big Transformation’ to Reflection Upon in 2022 and Beyond

Macau Daily Times

Looking Ahead 2022 – Interview with Steve Vickers

Money Matters

Companies Need to Watch Out for Staff Defections Over Next Months: SVA

Asia Gaming Brief

SVA – What's Fuelling the Great Resignation (Podcast)

Asia Gaming Brief

SVA Interview with Asia Gaming Brief – Is This The End of Junkets?

Asia Gaming Brief

SVA Interview – Gaming Over Suncity Officially Ceases All Operations

Macau Daily Times
Renato Marques

SVA Interview – Closures of Junket Room Operations

Macau Daily Times
Lynzy Valles

SVA Interview by Macau Daily Times on The Suncity Case: Legal and Market Implications

Macau Daily Times
Renato Marques

Hong Kong: Nedåt För Kasinobolag I Macao Efter Räd Mot Spelhärva

Dagens Industri (Sweden)

SVA Interview – Macau Junket Boss Alvin Chau Arrested for Money Laundering, Casino Shares Fall Amid Tender "Limbo"

YogoNet Gaming News

SVA Interview – Macau Casino Stocks Lose Almost US$5 Billion in Sell-off

NewsNation USA

SVA Interview – Macau Police Arrest Junket Boss in Latest Blow to Gaming Enclave

Australian Financial Review

SVA Interview – Macau Casino Stocks Lose US$5 Billion in Sell-off

Yahoo Finance

SVA Interview - Macau Casino Stocks Lose Almost US$5 Billion in Sell-off As China’s Gambling Crackdown Snares Junket Boss

South China Morning Post
Enoch Yiu

6 Casino Stocks Lose $35.3bn in Value in a Single Day: SVA

Oriental Daily

Gaming - Already-Troubled Casinos in State of Limbo as Tendering Process Remain Opaque: SVA

Macau Daily Times
Lynzy Valles

Macau’s “Go-Go Years” Over, Investors Need to Manage Expectations: SVA

Asia Gaming Brief
Sharon Singleton

The Macau News Agency Commented on SVA Report on Political Risk and Recent Arrests: SVA

Macau News Agency
Nelson Moura

Steve Interviewed For Law & More on SVA and Its Services

Law & More – The Boase Cohen & Collins Podcast

Hong Kong Quarantine Rules: How Long Must SMEs Suffer These Unwarranted Restrictions?

South China Morning Post

Nikkei Asia - SVA Interview - China Poised to Impose Anti-sanctions Law on Hong Kong

Nikkei Asia
Takeshi Kihara

Hong Kong - Ming Pao News - SVA Interview on Dangers to VIE Structured Companies

Ming Pao News

Hong Kong Bombing Plot: An Interview with SVA and an Overall Security Assessment

RTHK Radio 3
Newswrap – Steve Vickers

South China Morning Post – An Interview with Steve Vickers, CEO SVA

South China Morning Post
Enoch Yiu

A Rising Tide of Global Fraud – SVA Interview with The British Chamber of Commerce

The British Chamber of Commerce
Steve Vickers